Tag Archives: Loveland Family Practice

Get Moving! Loveland Family Practice

Here is a good reason to get moving and off of the coach.  Muscle tissue secretes chemicals called myokines.  Myokines are very beneficial to your organs by telling the liver to increase the rate of oxidation-along with bones, the immune system and other muscles.  There is also a harmone that is released during exercise that… read more

Establishing Good Eating Habits, Loveland Family Practice

Good eating habits and eating right treats your body good.  Foods high in fiber boosts metabolism, fills you up and tastes great.  High fiber food is naturally low in calories and tastes great! Include plenty of other delicious and satisfying fruits,vegetables and whole grains and your on your way to wellness and vitality.  Your body… read more

Keeping Germs At Bay At The Office, Loveland Family Practice

 One sick person can affect 1/3 of your office staff just by touching a door handle, refrigerator handle or cabinet handle.  One sure way to kill germs is by wiping down door handles, phones and desks including the mouse to your computer with disinfecting wipes.  If you regularly wipe down the countertops, tabletops, and coffee… read more

Keeping Your Body Healthy, Loveland Family Practice

Keeping your body healthy requires more than just eating right.  Exercise, sleep and emotional health are all equally important.  An adult should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week.  It doesn’t really matter what kind of exercise it is as long as it raises your heart rate.  Also, adults 40 and older… read more

Exercise and Living Longer, Loveland Family Practice

Maintain a healthy weight, minimize the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers and heart disease by exercising regularly.  Exercising also helps to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and other health related conditions that can kill you.  You might even have a longer life if you exercise on a regular basis. … read more

Exercising For Better Health! Loveland Family Practice

Getting your daily exercise in is important for lots of reasons.  It helps combat health conditions and diseases, helps you control your weight, improves your mood, boosts energy and  helps you to sleep better.   As a general rule try for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.  Consult your family practice physician before… read more

Managing Headaches, Loveland Family Practice

Headaches tend to run in families.  If one or both parents are prone to headaches there is a good chance there their children will have them too.  There many different types of headaches. Tension and migraines are the most common. Consult your family practice doctor about lingering headaches or unmanageable migraines, he can help you manage… read more

Eczema, Loveland Family Practice

Eczema, asthma and allergies tend to run in families.  Looking at a families history helps in diagnosing these conditions. Eczema can create an intolerable itch, and by scratching it will only make things worse. Seek medical help quickly from a family practice doctor before it gets out of hand.  There are many solutions available to taking… read more

Loveland Family Practice, Family Physician’s Role!

Family physicians play a very important role in health care today.  Family physicians provide more care for the under-served and in rural areas than any other specialty.  In fact one in four office visits are made at family physician’s offices in America.  There are 83 million more visits to a family physician than the next… read more

Loveland Family Practice, The Much Needed Family Physician

The importance of the Family Physician is undeniably great! Family Physician’s provide preventive care, including routine checkups, health-risk assessments, immunization and screening tests,  chronic illness, coordinate care provided by other sub-specialists. In fact family physicians treat more with back pain than any other physician sub-specialist, and really as many as orthopedists and neurosurgeons combined!  … read more